How to run a government : so that citizens benefit and taxpayers don't go crazy
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How to run a government : so that citizens benefit and taxpayers don't go crazy
- Publication date
- 2016
- Publisher
- [London] : Penguin Random House UK
- Collection
- internetarchivebooks; inlibrary; printdisabled
- Contributor
- Internet Archive
- Language
- English
- Item Size
- 708.1M
xxvi, 336 pages : 20 cm
The secrets of successful government from Michael Barber, one of the world's leading experts on carrying out lasting improvements in public life. Billions of citizens around the world are frustrated with their governments. Political leaders struggle to honour their promises and officials find it near impossible to translate ideas into action. The result? High taxes, but poor outcomes. Cynicism not just with government but with the political process. Why is this? How could this vicious spiral be reversed? In this groundbreaking book Michael Barber draws on his wealth of experience of working for and with government leaders the world over to present a blueprint for how to run a government. Using contemporary cases from every continent and classic examples from history, he makes a compelling case for a new approach. From Downing Street to Punjab, Charles I to Churchill, this book shows that the solution is less about ideology and more about clear priorities and meticulous planning. Praise for Instruction to Deliver: "Wonderful". (Bill Bryson). "One of the best books written on British government for many years". (Vernon Bogdanor, Financial Times). Sir Michael Barber is the co-founder of Delivery Associates and Chief Education Advisor at Pearson. Over the last two decades he has worked on government and public service reform in more than 50 countries. From 2001 to 2005 he was the first Head of the Prime Minister's Delivery Unit in the UK. He is a Distinguished Visiting Fellow at Harvard School of Public Health and an Honorary Doctor of several universities including the University of Exeter. His previous books include Instruction to Deliver: Fighting to Transform Britain's Public Services
Originally published: Allen Lane, 2015
Includes bibliographical references (pages 295-309) and index
Introduction: The missing science of delivery: in which the problem of getting things done in government is confronted -- Priorities: in which the importance of priorities and the dilemmas involved in setting them are examined -- Organization: in which proposals are made as to how to organize government so that the likelihood of successful delivery is enhanced -- Strategy: in which five paradigms of reform and the question of stewardship are explored -- Planning: in which the elements of good planning - rather than plans - are considered -- Routines: in which the importance of establishing a rhythm for driving delivery is emphasized -- Problem-solving: in which techniques for solving the problems that arise in any great enterprise are discussed and evaluated -- Irreversibility: in which the importance and difficulty of seeing things through are highlighted -- (Other people's) money: in which means of ensuring that taxpayers' money delivers outcomes that citizens want are described -- Conclusion: the future of delivery: in which some emerging themes destined to reshape and strengthen government approaches to delivery in future are predicted -- Appendix: the 57 rules
The secrets of successful government from Michael Barber, one of the world's leading experts on carrying out lasting improvements in public life. Billions of citizens around the world are frustrated with their governments. Political leaders struggle to honour their promises and officials find it near impossible to translate ideas into action. The result? High taxes, but poor outcomes. Cynicism not just with government but with the political process. Why is this? How could this vicious spiral be reversed? In this groundbreaking book Michael Barber draws on his wealth of experience of working for and with government leaders the world over to present a blueprint for how to run a government. Using contemporary cases from every continent and classic examples from history, he makes a compelling case for a new approach. From Downing Street to Punjab, Charles I to Churchill, this book shows that the solution is less about ideology and more about clear priorities and meticulous planning. Praise for Instruction to Deliver: "Wonderful". (Bill Bryson). "One of the best books written on British government for many years". (Vernon Bogdanor, Financial Times). Sir Michael Barber is the co-founder of Delivery Associates and Chief Education Advisor at Pearson. Over the last two decades he has worked on government and public service reform in more than 50 countries. From 2001 to 2005 he was the first Head of the Prime Minister's Delivery Unit in the UK. He is a Distinguished Visiting Fellow at Harvard School of Public Health and an Honorary Doctor of several universities including the University of Exeter. His previous books include Instruction to Deliver: Fighting to Transform Britain's Public Services
Originally published: Allen Lane, 2015
Includes bibliographical references (pages 295-309) and index
Introduction: The missing science of delivery: in which the problem of getting things done in government is confronted -- Priorities: in which the importance of priorities and the dilemmas involved in setting them are examined -- Organization: in which proposals are made as to how to organize government so that the likelihood of successful delivery is enhanced -- Strategy: in which five paradigms of reform and the question of stewardship are explored -- Planning: in which the elements of good planning - rather than plans - are considered -- Routines: in which the importance of establishing a rhythm for driving delivery is emphasized -- Problem-solving: in which techniques for solving the problems that arise in any great enterprise are discussed and evaluated -- Irreversibility: in which the importance and difficulty of seeing things through are highlighted -- (Other people's) money: in which means of ensuring that taxpayers' money delivers outcomes that citizens want are described -- Conclusion: the future of delivery: in which some emerging themes destined to reshape and strengthen government approaches to delivery in future are predicted -- Appendix: the 57 rules
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- true
- Addeddate
- 2022-08-17 11:16:34
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- Sony Alpha-A6300 (Control)
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- External-identifier
- Foldoutcount
- 0
- Identifier
- howtorungovernme0000barb
- Identifier-ark
- ark:/13960/s2fkmqrvtxr
- Invoice
- 1652
- Isbn
- Ocr
- tesseract 5.2.0-1-gc42a
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- Republisher_date
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- Republisher_operator
- Republisher_time
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- Scandate
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- Scanner
- Scanningcenter
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- Scribe3_search_catalog
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- Scribe3_search_id
- 9780141979588
- Tts_version
- 5.2-initial-90-g3e70aadf
- Worldcat (source edition)
- 951759503
- Full catalog record
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